My Relationship With Technology

 After taking this class, my perspective on technology has shifted tremendously. From learning about Julian Assange’s experience within the journalism industry to our rights as United States citizens, I feel more prepared than ever regarding my future with First Amendment rights. 

Am I addicted to social media?

I know I have a long way to go when it comes to my relationship with social media. I’ll admit it: I’m slightly addicted to social media. I’m on my phone a lot. My mom says that it’s an extension of my hand. It’s really nice to communicate with others, especially as I leave to go home from campus. Social media also allows you to express yourself through photos, videos, and text. Don’t forget about the emojis-they can tell another story! 

This Vox documentary is a great demonstration of how our phones can create an addiction without us even knowing.

One benefit of social media...

Social media and technology is also a great way to meet new people. The first thing that comes to find is incoming college freshman group chats. Nervous 17 and 18-year-olds select their favorite pictures of themselves to display on social media in hopes of finding a roommate or someone to go to the dining hall with. 

Is technology making me smarter or misleading me?

Technology is powerful. There’s no doubt about that. As we’ve seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, technology is a godsend. It allows us to advance our degrees from wherever we are. Due to this, I can argue that technology is beneficial. However, as we’ve seen during this election cycle, the spread of fake news and misinformation is rampant. It’s so easy to use technology to influence those around you, especially with algorithms on social media sites placing emphasis on posts that have a lot of engagement.

This article written by Wake Forest University is a great resource for those who are looking to decipher the difference between facts and fake news. It’s difficult to tell the difference, but it’s necessary in order to move forward on the path to having a greater understanding of our news.

How has technology influenced my family?

I think that my family has benefited from technology, but it has also proven to be a challenge. We love connecting with each other on Facebook, sharing our photos and memories with each other. Of course, as I’ve learned over the course of the semester, Facebook isn’t necessarily the most protective when it comes to my data and privacy. Technology was also incredibly helpful when I was in quarantine last semester, as I FaceTimed my parents almost every day so I wouldn’t feel as lonely. On the flip side, technology can make things difficult. Understanding my family members through text messages can be a challenge. Slang like “LOL”, “LMAO”, and “WYA” can create a disconnect between me and my family members.

This article is a great overview of the disconnect that many parents and children experience during this new age of technology. While it’s overwhelming and sometimes frustrating, I think that technology can help bring people closer together and create new memories. 

My online footprint 

When I Googled myself, the first thing that came up was my Facebook profile. I find that incredibly interesting, as Facebook has such a tight grip on our technological society. I also found my LinkedIn page, Instagram page, Twitter, and a story that was written about me in my local newspaper. I’d like to think that this isn’t too bad. Of course, I’d like to keep it this way! I have always tried to maintain a professional image online. The people that I surround myself with have always stressed that professionalism online will only help me as I move into the job market and beyond.

Overall, technology has its benefits and its takeaways. Is technology awful? Sometimes. Is technology incredible? Sometimes. It's not always black and white. The gray area that seems to overlap the positives and negatives of technology is something that all of us should be open to exploring.

